Applejack proved her honesty by telling Twilight to let go of her and and fail off a cliff, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy caught her. Later, when Nightmare Moon returned, Applejack went with Twilight and four other ponies to the Everfree Forest, where the castle of the two sisters were located.

When Twilight Sparkle went to Sweet Apple Acres to check on the food, Applejack and the apple family warmly welcomed her. When the portal to Equestria closes after Twilight's departure, Rainbow Dash's wings and pony ears vanish.A pony living in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was in change of preparations of food for the Summer Sun Celebration. After Sunset Shimmer is defeated, Rainbow flies around at the dance, picking up the human Scootaloo and giving her a ride. When Twilight invokes the power of the element of magic, Rainbow gains pony ears and wings. Rainbow Dash helps Twilight after seeing she has heart for not giving up when they played soccer. This misunderstanding made Rainbow feel abandoned, and she and Applejack ignored each other thereafter. Sunset Shimmer tricked Rainbow into coming on the wrong day by sending her a phone message saying that the bake sale was postponed, with the message being addressed from Applejack. However, one time she and the softball team were asked by Applejack to perform at a bake sale. She was once friends with the human versions of Applejack, Pinkie-Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity before Twilight Sparkle's arrival. The human version of Rainbow Dash is the captain of every sports team in Canterlot High. For accessories, she wears rainbow colored wristbands. Her lower half consists of tight-fitting black bike shorts underneath a pink and white skirt, rainbow colored knee socks, and light blue Converse style high top boots. Her clothing consists of a blue short-sleeved button up shirt and a white shirt with her pony version's cutie mark logo on the chest. Rainbow Dash's human version possesses long, rainbow colored hair with bangs hanging in the right side of her face. Rainbow Dash is a character from the My Little Pony franchise and one of the main characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who appears in Equestria Girls. She tends to hang out with Rainbow Dash more.
Later in the movie they figure out what had happened and become friends again. Little did Applejack know that Sunset Shimmer texted Rainbow Dash saying that the event was planned at different time, Sunset signed Applejack's name to the text instead of her own intentionally. Applejack told the whole school that Rainbow and her team would attend, but since none of them showed up, it made Applejack look like a liar.

Rainbow Dash once offered to come to Applejack's bake sale and bring the whole softball team with her. It is apparent during the song Time to Come Together that while two boys struggle to pick up a table, Applejack was able to carry a table with one arm at ease.Īpplejack is related to Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big McIntosh. She represents the Element of Honesty.Īpplejack, like her pony counterpart, is pretty strong. Now that Rainbow Dash is tickling her helpless victim.Īpplejack is a character from the My Little Pony franchise and one of the main characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who is set to appear in Equestria Girls 1&2 as the tritagonist. Here is my part of an art trade with lamonadedead for Equestria Girls' Applejack being bound, gagged and blindfolded by Rainbow Dash.